An ayahuasca retreat in cusco is a program that combines practices of Amazonian ancestral medicine with modern psychotherapy and psychedelic medicine techniques. The main objective of a retreat is to heal through the exploration of expanded states of consciousness. During a retreat, you will participate in ayahuasca ceremonies. These ceremonies will help cleanse you on physical, energetic, and spiritual levels. This process is carried out through purification. You will also receive support from a transpersonal psychotherapist. This professional will help you understand and make sense of your experiences. In this way, you can integrate what you have learned into your daily life.
Ayahuasca is a traditional medicinal drink from the Amazon region of Peru. This thick, brown tea is prepared with the Caapi vine and leaves from plants with hallucinogenic properties. Although it is attributed with benefits for health and mental well-being, there are also potential risks associated with its consumption. However, scientific research has shown that it can have long-term benefits.

In traditional ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru, shamans usually sing icaros. These are sacred songs that help guide the experience. Additionally, retreats may include practices such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. These activities support the healing process. They also help you connect more deeply with yourself and with nature. This facilitates a more complete healing journey.
Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazonian drink. It has strong psychoactive properties, causing visions and hallucinations. Its name, of Quechua origin, can be translated in various ways, such as “vine of the soul,” “vine of the dead,” or “soul vine.” This drink is primarily prepared with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves from plants such as Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, and Mimosa hostilis. Depending on the ethnicity and the purpose of the ceremony, other plants may be added to the preparation.
Ayahuasca plays a fundamental role in traditional medicine and initiation rituals of many indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Its use is deeply linked to the worldview and spiritual beliefs of these cultures. The way it is used varies according to the traditions of each ethnic group.
Botanically, ayahuasca refers to a giant vine from the Malpighiaceae family, known as Banisteriopsis caapi. This plant grows in the Amazon rainforest and is used by approximately 72 indigenous groups. It has various uses, such as in medicine, prophecy, and divination. Additionally, ayahuasca is known by many other native names, such as caapi, yajé, kahi, and natema. The names depend on the language of each people. The drink is so ancient and deeply integrated into the lives of these communities that it is an essential part of their philosophy and mythology.
Banisteriopsis caapi: This is a vine commonly known as the “vine of the spirits” or simply “caapi.” It is the main ingredient of ayahuasca. It contains chemical compounds called harmala alkaloids, such as harmine and harmaline.

Psychotria viridis: Also known as “chacruna,” this is a plant whose leaves contain dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a potent psychoactive compound. The combination of Psychotria viridis with Banisteriopsis caapi produces the hallucinogenic effects characteristic of ayahuasca.


In the preparation of ayahuasca, usually only two main ingredients are used: the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and chacruna leaves (Psychotria viridis). These ingredients are collected in the Amazon rainforest by ayahuasca masters and members of the Matsiguenkas and Shipibos communities. During the harvest and preparation, they perform rituals and prayers.
The combination of the ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves produces DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a potent psychoactive compound. The way ayahuasca is prepared can influence the intensity of its effects. While some recipes remain simple, others add additional medicinal plants to enrich the experience.
Additionally, during ceremonies, sacred tobacco, known as mapacho, is often used. This tobacco has a high nicotine content. It is used to enhance the effects of ayahuasca, open intuition, increase blood flow, and calm the participants’ nerves. The shaman may blow mapacho smoke over the participants to help them in their healing process.
Machu Picchu and Ayahuasca – 4 days Spiritual Journey